Friday, April 10, 2009

Some Thoughts on Gay Marriage

"In Vermont, the path to marriage for same-sex couples was quite different than in Iowa. Vermont was a path-breaker with respect to the relationship recognition for same-sex couples. In 1999, the Vermont Supreme Court held that the state's constitution required that same-sex couples be able to obtain all the benefits that different-sex couples could obtain by marrying. After struggling with the options, the Vermont legislature created a new type of relationship for same-sex couples called civil union that is identical to marriage in terms of its effects under state law. Although Vermont preserved marriage for different-sex couples, with the passage of its civil union law, Vermont became the first state in the country to provide equal recognition to same-sex relationships.

Some LGB rights advocates criticized this law as creating a second-class status for same-sex couples. Others had a more pragmatic reaction, suggesting that some recognition is better than none at all. And others said civil unions might help clear a path to marriage. In ten years, it seems, Vermonters have come to realize hell has not frozen over and different-sex relationships have not been undermined simply because same-sex relationships are recognized."

Taken from the Huffington Post

Now, I do have comments on the portion of the article posted above, I always have comments, you should get use to this, lol. "Some recognition is better than none at all." Okay, I suppose I can understand how some would feel that way, but a larger part of me is so offended by that statement. I don't want to settle for "better than none at all!" I want to be equal with heterosexual couples. What I do and who I love has absolutely NO effect on anyone. I really and truly believe that.

I have heard/read some truly ridiculous and pathetic comments regarding equal marriage laws. One of these comments was, "If you let them get married, they will be kissing and making out on the streets in public and in front of my kids." I have to say, to be honest, I don't see many gay/lesbian/bi/trans couples in public doing more than holding hands. I see plenty of straight girls shopping, walking down the street, arm in arm, and I know they are straight, but would a child know? No one complains about them. I have seen plenty of straight couples making out bordering on heavy petting in public, I never one time heard anyone say one word to them. I see more public affection between straight couples then gay/les/bi/trans couples. We are not the disgusting pigs the republicans want to make us into in order to promote the propaganda they are shouting from their soap boxes!

"In ten years, it seems, Vermonters have come to realize hell has not frozen over and different-sex relationships have not been undermined simply because same-sex relationships are recognized." Okay, I am glad that people are starting to realize this, but seriously, ten years? A little slow on the uptake, aren't we? I really feel that people are just terrified of what they do not understand or care to, at that rate. They didn't care to understand why women wanted to vote, or why African-Americans didn't want to be enslaved, and then why they had the nerve to want equal rights, the nerve of them, being human! Now, they can't understand why I would want to marry the woman that I have been in love with for three years or why my best friend would want to marry the woman she has been with for 11. Gosh, what were we thinking about? [Can you hear my words dripping with sarcasm?]

In closing, in the last week we have made progress, good progress. Lets just hope it does not take another ten years for the rest of the country to catch up!

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